Hidden Influences


Watched on Nat Geo Ch an old but good documentary, HITLER AND THE OCCULT, largely mining Peter Levenda’s book Unholy Alliance.  It focused on a sketchy overview of the eerie, even spooky, connections to astrologers and occultists affecting Hitler and the Third Reich over its tumultuous dozen years of terror.  Now and then unsavory or difficult-to-explain details were glossed over.  Uncomfortable truths were elided.  Overall, it was interesting, and not a bad introduction to such material for those who don’t know.

It is a glimpse of part of history we rarely bother noticing or discussing, that of the effect occult beliefs have on history and its participants.  We would learn to see current events more clearly if we looked for hidden motives and motifs shaping the people who shape history.

Examples abound today:

Dominionism drives Rafael “Ted” Cruz, whose father, a fanatical right wing extremist minister, raised his son to be the anointed leader of a new xtian biblical era.  That’s what both believe and act upon.  This should terrify people, quite apart from the fact that he’s a deranged psychopath.

Trump is following exactly the Nazi rise to power pattern, almost slavishly so, including brutalizing any followers who do not toe the line, pointing at disenfranchised people as scapegoats for illusory losses our society is said to have suffered, spewing blatant racism, isolationism, and belligerent hostility toward foreign countries.  He’s exploiting amorphous fears in the uneducated, willfully-ignorant minds.

Rubio is evangelical fanatic, Clinton a corporate shill, and is anyone else worth mentioning other than good old for-the-people Bernie Sanders?  How about Bloomberg, hinting at a run for the Presidency now that the crazies have paved the way for the monied cynics?

As for occult, these motives and motifs seem trumpeted at times, especially when these miscreants speak to artificially-inflated crowds of ‘supporters’, but corporate media rarely mentions any of it.  Ever heard Ted Cruz’s Dominionist fervor or his crazy father discussed in open mainstream media?  His father raised him to be führer as such; the anointed leader of a movement dictated by supernatural destiny.  He’s a programmed lunatic groomed by good schooling to take over by any means necessary.  He justifies his sociopathy by holding a bizarre conception of the god concept.  You’d think craziness this dangerous, given historical precedent for what happens when such whack jobs gain power, would prompt questions and concerns, but if so, you’d never know it from the media.

Worse, the Dominionist threat has spread like rampant cancer.  It aims infiltration like drones at school boards, police departments, and city councils.  It swarms any public arena vulnerable to such dark influence.  It is the Dominionists behind the notorious C Street House where Congressmen and Senators, lobbyists and CEOs were trained, programmed, and bribed to support or destroy laws targeted by the religionists.

These are the creeps who, early in the 1990s, infiltrated libraries in order to remove books they did not approve.  They sabotaged re-shelving to make books impossible to find, scrambled file cards, dumped entire categories and shelf sections during the switch to digital file catalogues, and outright vanished books.  I saw this happen and noticed because I always check for esoterica and certain writers such as Crowley, PKD, or Everett Bedford.

Books removed were not sold to raise library funds or given to thrift shops, they were put into dumpsters, burned, and generally ended up in landfills.

We try to see clearly the things erased, the categories shoved down the memory holes, to hold them in detail mentally so we might preserve at least their gist.  We see how fake things become as increasingly more reality is drained from our lives.  We now live in a movie set.  Having spent much time outside the USA box, where things are real to a larger extent, my family and I know the difference between grit and glitter.

My fiction about such things creeps people out.  Another reason editors choose others’ work; mine unsettles too strongly too often.  I touch on things prudes cover up, blush about.  I point out the emperor’s lack of clothes.  I ask questions no one dares even think.  I push it, and try to know down the Potemkin walls and louvered blinders.  All my fault, for taking writing seriously when so few want more than extruded plot escapism, a quick, shallow splash of refreshing diversion from the hard work of ignoring reality as a way of getting along.

Hitler’s membership number in the German Worker’s Party, precursor to the Nazis, was 555.  Esotericists will recognize this as the actual number of the beast, or anti-christ.  (Christ means the glow of light in oil, meaning the way an anointed patch of skin glistens.  It refers to the christ, the anointed one.  Hi, Ted.)  Most fear 666 more, and give it more respect as a revelatory number or signifier of evil.  That is wrong but unlikely to change as it’s an error culturally entrenched by now due to repetition.

Is such a coincidence significant?  Only if it seems that way to those involved, who may alter thinking or behavior to accommodate projected immanence.  Other than in the midst of such symbolic behavior, it matters very little.  Still, the disenfranchised seek to project meaning on chaos.

It was economic depression that fueled Nazi recruitment, as increasing numbers of people grew desperate, frustrated, and afraid.  Simplistic answers offered in conspiratorial terms appealed by taking the blame away, absolving the shame of failure, and offering a target for pent-up ire.

Now look at Trump.  All the GOP, really.  They pander to the same demographics that raised Hitler’s swastika so eagerly, to make Germany great again.  Stampede to fascism, one might call it.  Get tough.  Build the wall.  Blame scapegoats.  Kick out those dirty immigrants.  Be strong again.  Take no shit from Daesh.  Admire and emulate Putin and other strong men despots.  Make America great again.

All Hitler’s slogans and moves, recapitulated by Trump and the GOP in general, all for naked greed and lust for power.

The Koch suckers were not only spawn of Nazi collaborators and enablers, their nursemaid was a German woman who was a fanatical Nazi who listened to Hitler speeches, discussed Nazi ‘philosophy’, and programmed them for their early formative years.

Meanwhile Hitler not only did not suicide in the bunker, he escaped and made it by 1948 or so to Bogota, Columbia.  He likely then made his way into the USA.  We know he funded a Fourth Reich in shadow form, sewing together a network of rich industrialists and planning a slow infiltration coup.

I’d say his plans are panning out via the GOP.

Hitler got out of Germany with about fourteen billion dollars.  He had an amazing amount of money and loot with which to set things up and court the top rich fascists who, like him, hated democracy’s regulations and limits of power.

Hitchcock films of the 1930s and 1940s portrayed the network of rich fascists.  He showed vividly how it worked.  Films like SABOTEUR, NOTORIOUS, and even NORTH BY NORTHWEST, made in the 1950s, show rich, corrupt fascists wearing masks of civility, sophisticated education, and charming manners working diligently to undermine democracy.

Other films show the same, notably KEEPER OF THE FLAME, in which a reporter, played by Spencer Tracy, uncovering the ugly fascist truth behind the façade of greatness used by a vastly-admired American hero, rich and powerful, who dies in an accident that turns out might be murder by his wife, Katharine Hepburn, who is at first covering up his perfidy before deciding to help spread the word what he was really like, and how he worked to undermine those vaunted American values he espoused so falsely to sucker everyone so easily.  It vividly shows how these people-shaped things hide in plain sight, disguised often as great humanitarians.

Terrifying stuff, these hidden influences.  Stay alert for them.

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About Gene Stewart

Born 7 Feb 1958 Altoona, PA, USA Married 1980 Three sons, grown Have lived in Japan, Germany, all over US Currently in Nebraska I write, paint, play guitar Read widely Wide taste in music, movies Wide range of interests Hate god yap Humanist, Rationalist, Fortean Love the eerie
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