Never blame conspiracy for what incompetence can explain.
Ah, but what if it’s a conspiracy of incompetence?
/ geste
“Hayseed Coup”
If people can go insane
Why not cities, states,
Countries going insane?
Look around.
First small groups went mad
With fear, hate, greed.
Contagion from corporate.
It seeped through religion
Into institutions, states.
Governments were infected,
Fevered; they fell.
Now it’s the few infectious
Crazies pulling levers of
Power and destruction,
Learning how they work
The better to consolidate
Their hayseed coup.
What is done with
Ravening raping killers
Once they’re identified?
What is done with
Cannibals and tyrants
Once they’re brought low?
We need to RUN:
Rise Up Now.
/ W B Kek
We just saw the football version of the trump electoral coup algorithm.
Ask yourself, art or money.
If the latter, pander like a whore.
Grunt out sub-literate extruded fiction product.
Pastiche sells best.
The familiar and comforting appeal.
Do not stray from the expected formula.
/ geste
Black dog is more like
A pack of fucking werewolves lately.
Might not make it.
Woods tangled, pitch dark.
No weapons left.
No compass in or out.
Is there any better than here?
How long must it last?
Why can’t it end
Before I’m forced
To end it?
America raped, murdered.
Democracy betrayed by
Capitalism’s lies.
Hope strangled by
Predatory perverts
For their sick kicks.
Go back, some say.
Back to what?
Back to the universal corruption
That fostered the fascism?
Back to the chess pool where
Racism, fear, hate, and greed
Grow like viral infections
In a spiral of tornado destruction?
Back to a tsunami avalanche
Collapse of kicked-back bribery?
Our entire lives,
All our dignity,
Every bit of
What we thought counted,
What we thought was real
Was taken from us ,
Smashed as bullies jeered,
As nihilists preened:
If they can’t have it all,
None of us gets anything.
Why go on?
/ W B Kek