A Swirl of Sparks

Sparks swirled like snow, or was it snow swirling like sparks, in a gust of history.

Insufficient to light the darkness, the swarm faded, leaving a faint dazzle in the eye. 

Regalia paraded unseen, trumpets silent, a stealth war killing us from within. 

We gave no quarter to ourselves, short-changed each other and, spent, we fell.

Souls upswept in ashes smeared a sky, left smut on ruins too big for us to see.

From outside the orbit of The Moon, perhaps it looked pretty, a show soon done.

/ geste

About Gene Stewart

Born 7 Feb 1958 Altoona, PA, USA Married 1980 Three sons, grown Have lived in Japan, Germany, all over US Currently in Nebraska I write, paint, play guitar Read widely Wide taste in music, movies Wide range of interests Hate god yap Humanist, Rationalist, Fortean Love the eerie
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